Child Care Center

The First Presbyterian Church
Child Care Center

The First Presbyterian Church Child Care Center is a state certified licensed daycare center offering childcare in a group environment for up to 50 children.
Our Child Care Center opened its doors on September 7, 1983, under the directorship of Ms. Erma Bedwell who served for 30 years.  Cathy Pitts took over as Director in 2013 and served for nearly 10 years.
Julie Dunivan has been our FPC Child Care Center director since the summer of 2022. Ms. Julie is married to Benge Dunivan.  They have three children (Cade, Avery, and Emma Kate) all of which came to the FPC Child Care Center when they were little. Ms. Julie has been working with children for the last 12 years and enjoys getting to know their individual personalities.  She and her family stay busy with church and family events, horses, and sports.

Our main objective is to make learning fun! If a child believes this, the thirst for knowledge never ends.

The toddler class (ages 18 to 36 months) learns about farm animals, zoo animals, the family, and holidays for the first four months of the school year.  This is transition time for the toddlers and a time for them to learn to play together, share, listen to stories, etc.  Beginning in January, toddlers are introduced to colors, numbers, and shapes.

The preschool class (ages 4 and 5) learn numbers, colors, and nursery rhymes. We touch on the alphabet, introducing to 3 letters per month.

Periodically, we have a special visitor or activity to go along with a letter.  For example, during “B” week, we have a “BEAR Party.” In “D” week, a DENTIST may come to tell us how to care for our teeth; “E” week, an optometrist may come to tell us how to take care of our EYES; “F” week, the FIRE truck comes, and “G” week a doctor may come and tell us about GERMS.

The preschool class also has “Cowboy Day” and “Pajama Day.”  At other times, we may also have the local Police, Smokey the Bear, etc. 

If you would like to come and share something about your occupation with us, please let us know!

Contact Information
Phone: 931-433-2800

Child Care Hours

Fall / Winter / Spring Hours
Monday 8:15 AM – 2:15 PM
Tuesday 8:15 AM – 2:15 PM
Wednesday 8:15 AM – 2:15 PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 8:15 AM – 2:15 PM
Summer Hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday 8:15 AM – 2:15 PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 8:15 AM – 2:15 PM
Friday Closed
Contact Information

Phone: 931-433-2800
Email the Director

Child Care Monthly Fees

Number of Children

Days in Child Care


1 Child

1 Whole Day a Week


1 Child

2 Whole Days a Week


1 Child

2 Whole Days & 1 Half Day a Week


1 Child

3 Whole Days a Week


1 Child

3 Whole Days & 1 Half Day a Week


2 Children

1 Whole Day a Week


2 Children

1 (1 Whole & 1 Half Days) & 1 (1 Whole Day)


2 Children

1 (3 Half Days) & 1 (1 Whole Day)


2 Children

1 (2 Whole Days) & 1 (1 Whole Day)


2 Children

2 Whole Days


2 Children

1 (2 Whole & 1 Half Days) & 1 (1 Whole Day)


2 Children

1 (3 Whole Days) & 1 (2 Whole Days)


2 Children

3 Whole Days


3 Children

1 Whole Day


3 Children

2 Whole Days


3 Children

2 Whole Days & 1 Half Day


3 Children

3 Whole Days
