You Can Get Involved!
You will find a variety of ministries to connect you with our church family and the community. From Christian Education to generation-focused groups, you'll find a place to join others in ministry at First Presbyterian!
Christian Education
We offer Sunday School classes and study opportunities for all, in a variety of formats. Sunday School classes meet 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM each Sunday morning. The schedule for our other studies can be found on our events page.
Sunday School and Study Offerings

The “Free-For-All” Class

Common Ground
The Common Ground ministry seeks to connect young adults and all who are looking for spiritual connection in the midst of a busy schedule. The curriculum for the Common Ground Sunday School class focuses on scripture with class discussions connecting it to current events. It is not necessary for participants to read anything prior to class. Leadership is shared among several adults who take turns preparing to guide the discussion. The Common Ground classroom is Room 401 located at the south end of the hallway on the same level as the sanctuary. A Zoom link is available for anyone unable to attend in person.

Youth Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School

Bible Studies
Adult Ministry

Presbyterian Women
Fear Knots

This ministry is for older adults and meets periodically for activities, outings, and programs.
Youth Ministry

Firebirds Youth Program



Committee Service
Adults can engage in service to the church and community by joining one of the church committees chaired by our ruling elders.