Our Ruling Elders and Pastor, collectively referred to as “The Session”, organize the work of our congregation. In support of our ministry goals, members annually volunteer for a one-year term and participate in the work of our church committees. We invite youth, young adults, and adults to serve on one or more of the committees that strive to honor God with service to the First Presbyterian Church congregation and its community.
Administrative Committee
This committee is charged caring for church staff and consistently enhancing the processes and systems which enable our staff and committees to work efficiently in service to the church and community.
Christian Education
With the Bible as our foundation, this team works to strengthen the minds and spirits of our congregation, to prepare people for ministry and service.
Congregational Care
This group focuses on caring for members in times of need, providing meals and refreshments for church and community events, and reaching our to those who visit our church for worship and other events.
Digital Engagement and Outreach (DEO)
Our DEO team maintains our church website and social media presence, and assists with management of the campus technology infrastructure and services.
Our mission committee engages with those from our community in need of support in trying times. In addition, the committee maintains partnerships with other organizations addressing peoples’ needs near and far.
Property and Safety
Our historic church facility requires a great deal of care. The Property and Safety team maintains, repairs, and strives to constantly improve Fayetteville, Tennessee’s oldest public structure. We want all who enter to find a beautiful, safe, and comfortable environment.
The Stewardship Committee works to regularly inform the congregation about the church’s financial position and ensures that the congregation’s tithes and offerings are managed according to the highest fiscal and spiritual ideals.
Our Worship Committee is responsible for ensuring that every element of our worship experience glorifies God. The level of “behind the scenes” effort in coordinating staff and volunteers is significant, and this team never fails to deliver on the promise of being blessed by Worship.