
Colossians 1:17 says, "He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together."

“The Firebirds” Youth Group

The youth of the First Presbyterian Church (AKA “The Firebirds”) are an enthusiastic, energetic, entertaining, and always eager group of kids between the ages of 12-18. Our nickname was adapted from the children’s book Firebird by Brent McCorkle and Amy Parker. The story teaches that throughout our lives, we will all face storms, but we should look to the clouds and live for the sunshine.

Join us every Wednesday

Participation in our youth group is open to all youth in our community, whether your family is a member of FPC or not. The Firebirds meet on Wednesdays from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM at the church for dinner, Bible study, fun and fellowship. We do lots of fun activities all year long that include: swimming parties, lake retreats, lock-ins, and mission work. We also have two worship services a year that are completely organized and led by the youth group.

Upcoming Events